Are roof top tents safer?

There are many advantages to choosing a roof top tent instead of a traditional one, but one that you might not fully consider is the safety that comes with it. The elevated design of the tent allows greater security compared to conventional tents, and with some optional features, you’ll be camping in style, comfort, and safety. Let’s talk about the different ways roof top tents make camping safer.

Not bear-proof but better than your average tent

I am not saying that a roof top tent would completely protect you from predators like bears but they are designed to give some protection. Not many people know this, but roof top tents were invented to protect people from predators while overlanding across the African deserts. If it’s good enough to protect you from lions and hyenas it should do well in giving you some protection from bears. Don’t test your luck though, remember to keep things that will attract bears and other animals in a bear canister.

Sturdier than your ground tent

I’ve heard a lot of worries about “Could a strong gust of wind blow the tent off your car?” and that’s something you should worry about if you’re not planning to secure it properly. Sturdiness is one of the main features of a roof top tent, and as long as you make sure you’ve attached your tent to your car correctly and used the right fittings and tools, your tent will be more solid than most—if not all—conventional tent you can find.

Water Resistant

There are a lot of conventional “waterproof” tents with interesting features that promise to protect you from the elements. And while they do a pretty good job, the fact that they’re on the ground makes them less effective in protecting you from the elements than a roof top tent. Just as the elevation protects you from predators, it can also protect you from the cold, wet ground. Additional accessories can even make “roughing it”  outdoors a lot easier.

In conclusion, yep! They’re  safer than conventional  tents

Tents were made to protect people from the elements when they venture outdoors. While conventional tents do an excellent job of doing this, especially in places a car wouldn’t be able to go, roof top tents are the best option for safety and convenience when camping in the wilderness.

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Graham Holloway

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