How do you go to the bathroom while camping?

When you gotta go,you gotta go, but you have to be respectful of nature. Being mindful of the environment and your fellow outdoorsmen is essential when going to the bathroom while camping. This article will discuss how to go number one and number two in the outdoors, the challenges you should expect, and the rules you should follow. There’s a way one must act according to where you are, including the outdoors, so let’s just jump right into it.

So, where’s the bathroom?

You’d think that since you are outdoors you don’t need to worry about where to go to the bathroom, but there are rules and basic decency you need to follow. First, you can’t just go anywhere; you and your fellow campers need to decide on a designated spot so everyone knows where to go and, more importantly, avoid. When choosing a place to do your business it’s essential to follow these guidelines:

  • Avoid being near bodies of water – Choose a location at least 200 feet away from streams, lakes, and ponds. Rivers might be an exception when you’re white water rafting for peeing, but try to keep the environment as clean as possible.
  • Know the campsite’s regulations – Depending on where you are camping there might be specific rules you need to follow, such as established designated areas. It would be best if you already knew about these beforehand.
  • Observe the leave no trace principle – As a common courtesy to your fellow campers, try to leave as little behind and keep the area as clean as possible.

How to Manage Bathroom Breaks in the Wilderness

Going #1 in the outdoors is usually simple, but handling #2 can be a challenge. Thankfully, outdoor enthusiasts have developed practical guidelines for taking care of business. However, keep in mind that in many places, burying waste is illegal, so be aware of local regulations and opt for waste bags instead.

  1. Preparation – Pack essentials like hand sanitizer, toilet paper, a latrine trowel, and waste bags, as some areas require you to carry out your waste. Also gear such as the poolahoop available at and can help greatly in having a smooth problem-free time doing your business.
  2. Spot Selection – If allowed, find a designated area and dig a hole at least 4 inches wide and 8 inches deep. In areas where burying waste is prohibited, use a waste bag to collect your waste.
  3. Get Comfortable – Squat down and go.
  4. Clean Up – Use minimal toilet paper and store it in a plastic bag for proper disposal later. Alternatively, use a large, non-poisonous leaf for a more eco-friendly option. 
  5. Dispose or Bury – If permitted, cover your waste with the dirt you dug up and mark the spot with a stick. If not, seal the waste bag and take it with you for proper disposal.
  6. Clean Your Hands – Use hand sanitizer or soap and water, if available.

Additionally, consider using rest stops and public restrooms when possible to minimize your environmental impact. Now you’re equipped to handle bathroom breaks responsibly in the great outdoors!

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Graham Holloway

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